Campaign Schedule

캠페인일정을 모집기간, 인플루언서 선정일, 리뷰제출기간, 리뷰검토 항목별 안내하는 표입니다
Recruiting Period Selection Date Submission Period Review Verify
2021-06-11 ~ 2021-06-20 2021-06-21 2021-06-22 ~ 2021-07-07 2021-07-10

Campaign Information

  • Recruitment type Instagram Delivery Type
  • Offer 1 pc
  • Offer Point + 0 P
  • Applied 81/45
  • Deadline 2021-06-20

Campaign Hashtag

#celebph #celebasia #reviewph #influencerasiainfluencerph #influencer #celebmarketph #celebmarket #kbeautyceleb #kbeauty #kbeautyaddict #kbeautyskincare #celebcampaign #kbeautyph #reviewkbeauty #kbeautyreview #nowandafter #acnesolutionspotgel #acne #accare #NnA #NnAacnesolutionspotgel

Kindly input all hashtag here in your review correctly.
If you don’t input hashtag, we could ask you to correct it.

Review Guidelines

* Items will be sent via Shopee and you need to pay your own shipping fee.

* Open to someone who is struggling with acne.

* Open to someone who's willing to use this product for 2 weeks to see improvement.

* Someone who can provide picture updates (take photos of the acne area that you are treating every 2 or 3 days to see comparison). Don't forget to take picture before you use this product.

* Making quality videos are welcome and will be preferred. <If someone can provide video for CelebAsia Youtube Channel, DM to CelebAsia will be preferred.>

Please follow @celebasia_official and FACEBOOK CelebAsia and Shopee and Subscribe in our Youtube Channel. 

You can see when new Campaign updated.

1. If you put @celebasia_official in your instagram profile, you will have higher chance to be selected.

2. Must tag @celebasia_official and @nowandafter_official in the post & pictures.

3. Must put CelebAsia shopee link ->per country!         (Philippines)           (Veitnam)        (Indonesia)   (Malaysia)           (Singapore)        (Thailand)

5. Must create good quality video that you are applying this product on your face at least more than a minute. (Not on hands)

6. Must put all hashtags in your reivew.

7. If you do not follow these guidelines, there will be disadvantage on next campaign selection.

Review must be maintained at least more than 6 months. Please keep it well. As much as possible follow the guidelines from Brands.
But definitely respects your honest review.
Provided item must not be for sale to others.

Sponsor Banner

Items were provided by

You can use this sponsor banner if you want

About Brand


This information is for selected influencer.

Campaign Information

Instagram Delivery Type

[]NOW AND AFTER Acne Solution Spot Gel 15ml

  • Offer 1 pc
  • Applied 81 / 45
  • Deadline 2021-06-20
  • Offer Point + 0 P